Jupyter Notebook

Computing Environment

The main tools being used in this course is Python and Jupyter Notebook. Why are we going to learn python in this course? The scope of this class is to read atmospheric and oceanic datasets, do spatial, temporal and spectral analysis, and present the data graphically. Python provides an environment for us to fulfill those tasks seamlessly without asking too much time and effort to pay. Also, learning Python may open up other possibilities in your future because it is very popular computer languages these days. »


The Jupyter Notebook supports over 40 different programming languages, and Python is just one of them. That means that once you know how to use the Jupyter Notebook, you can use it for other languages. The Jupyter Notebook is making one of the most significant advances in the scientific computing. Here is what Nature says about the Jupyter Notebook in 2014 The free IPython notebook makes data analysis easier to record, understand and reproduce. »


The material here is based on the Chapter 3-5 in “A Hands-On Introduction to Using Python in the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences” by Johnny Wei-Bing Lin. Python, like any other programming language, has variables and all the standard control structures. We will go though Python’s basic data and control structures that support procedural programming. Then we will explore how to use arrays, followed by file input and output. A few list of changes in Python 3. »

Start Python / Jupyter Notebook

This page guides you how to use Python and Jupyter Notebook using the example, Celsius and Fahrenheit converter. When you want to convert the unit from Fahrenheit to Celsius, the formula is: From Celsius to Fahrenheit, the formula is: Python To start Python, you can type python in the terminal. $ python Then you may see that the prompt has been changed as Python 3.6.3 |Anaconda, Inc. »