
Ocean Modeling

Setting up ocean models and use them to address strudents’ research questions.

Course Description

The Ocean Modeling course aims to introduce fundamental formulation and numerical methods, as well as parameterizations, in ocean models. Starting from idealized simple models, we will explore ocean models with increasing complexity, and study ocean circulation and air-sea interactions. Additionally, this course will discuss varied packages that expands the functionality of ocean models. Builds on the lectures, students will set up their own ocean models, simulate it and analyze the output to gain a hand-on experience.

해양모델링 수업은 해양모델의 기본방정식, 수치적인 계산 방법 및 파라미터 사용법을 소개함을 목표로 합니다. 학생들은 간단한 해양 모델에서부터 전지구 해양모델까지 배우면서 해양의 순환과 대기-해양 상호작용을 시뮬레이션하게 될 것입니다. 또한, 이 수업은 해양모델에 들어가는 패키지들을 보여주고, 이들을 유용하게 사용하는 방법에 대해 알아볼 것입니다. 강의와 더불어 학생들은 자신들의 연구 주제에서 해양모델이 어떻게 쓰일 수 있는지 고민하고 실험하여, 여기에서 나온 결과를 분석하는 경험을 할 수 있게 될 것입니다.


  • 송하준
  • Office : 과학관 #544
  • email :
  • telephone : 02-2123-2579


  • 과학관 #553
  • Lecture : 화 10:00 - 12:50

Office hours

Hajoon will be happy to have office hours by appointment. Please email us!

Target students

This course is intended for graduate students who want to learn about ocean circulation and its numerical simulation. This course is also intended for students who want to learn how to analyze the model result.

The objective

This is a hands-on class. Students will handle from a simple shallow-water model to state-of-the-art general ocean circulation model, as well as learn how to analyze the model results. After an in-depth introduction to the numerical ocean models, students enable to use ocean models to address their research questions.


None, but the background in math and sciences is recommended.


I am going to refer three materials. + Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling + Ocean Modelling for Beginners Using Open-Source Software + Advanced Ocean Modelling


  • Homework : 50%
  • Final project : 40%
  • Attendance and participation : 10%